Making the Invisible Visible was a high-level panel and technical consultation that aimed to inspire a global commitment to integrating gender issues in CRVS systems. Policy and practice experts from around the world gathered in Ottawa to discuss the status of the field, evaluate opportunities and challenges, and identify priority areas to take action and help strengthen CRVS systems. The objective is to better achieve gender equality goals by making the invisible visible – both in vital event registration and at the policy level.
Why was this event so important?
The Sustainable Development Goals seek to eliminate poverty and create better life conditions for everyone. For this, gender equality is a precondition. To achieve gender equality and empower women, it is critical to have data that is reliable, timely, and disaggregated by age and sex. The data must also capture limitations on women's rights and inequalities affecting their rights. Only then will data serve to guide better policies and programs, particularly for the underserved and hard to reach – the overwhelming majority of whom are women and children.
Interested in the meeting proceedings?
The conference was recorded live in English and French, and the report is available. We invite you to:
- Read the meeting report,
- Consult the meeting agenda, or
- Watch the meeting proceedings.