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Endline Assessment: Improving Birth Registration Using the Existing Community Structures and Immunization Processes

This report summarizes key findings from the endline assessment of a pilot project in Ethiopia. The project was undertaken in Yilmana Densa and Goji Qolela woredas (districts); Hintalo Wajirat and Enderta Woredas; and Amibara and Awash Fentale Woredas, which are the intervention and control Woredas in Amhara, Tigray, and Afar regions, respectively. The overall objective was to enhance a well-functioning civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system by integrating community health structures with civil status offices. This assessment was quasi-experimental by design and used longitudinal data, supplemented by a methodology like the one used in the baseline survey to compare improvements in key variables. 

Getahun Hailemariam
World Bank Group
Source Abbrv.
Resource Type
Discussion paper
Publication year