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NEW: CRVS Systems Improvement e-learning course

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We are excited to announce the launch of the first module of a new 3-module e-learning course designed to support the application of the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework for government employees and other professionals responsible for implementing CRVS systems in low- and middle-income countries.

The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework seeks to support countries assessing and improving their CRVS systems by streamlining their processes. CRVS systems are complex and span over many institutions, and this self-guided e-learning course will help you make the most of the Framework.

Access the course

The course is available for free on Vital Strategies' e-learning platform here:

This course was developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Vital Strategies through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Pacific Community, the World Health Organization, and the Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems at the International Development Research Centre.

Modules 2 and 3 will be launched in August 2021 and September 2021 respectively.

Module descriptions

Module 1: Introduction to the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework (available now)

This module will help you understand why the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework is important, get an overview of the Framework, learn key concepts and objectives, and understand how to apply the Framework in your country.

Module 2: CRVS systems assessment, analysis, and re-design

This module will teach you how to improve CRVS systems through some key steps. First, you will learn how to map current CRVS business processes and assess the performance of the processes using key performance indicators. Next, you will discover how to analyze the root causes of any performance issues that have been identified. Then, you will learn how you can use this information to redesign CRVS processes.

Submodule 2.1: Describing and mapping CRVS business processes: This submodule will help you understand why it is important to document CRVS business processes. You will learn how to create a verbal business process description and a visual business process map.

Submodule 2.2: Identifying performance issues through key performance indicators: This submodule looks at how to identify performance issues within CRVS systems. You will learn how to complete the Framework’s assessment step, which includes identifying key performance indicators, collecting baseline performance information and setting performance targets. Plus, you will learn about the CRVS system analysis and redesign tool.

Submodule 2.3: Identifying root causes: This submodule explores the root causes of performance issues in CRVS systems. Through practical exercises and tools, you will learn how to describe the causes of performance issues and conduct a root cause analysis so you can build better CRVS systems.

Submodule 2.4: Developing redesign ideas: This submodule looks at why redesign ideas are important and how they can help improve CRVS business processes. You will learn how to generate redesign ideas, describe basic concepts and identify areas for improvement on ‘as-is’ processes. Plus, you will understand how to apply better processes to CRVS systems based on your redesign ideas.

Module 3: Strategic planning, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating progress

This module looks at how strategic planning can improve CRVS systems. You will learn how to develop a strategic plan based on findings from the analysis, assessment, and redesign of CRVS processes. Next, you will discover how to help your team create a detailed action plan to support your strategic plan. Then, you will understand how to monitor and evaluate your team’s action plan.

Submodule 3.1: How to develop a CRVS strategic plan: This submodule will teach you how to support your CRVS national team through a strategic plan. You will learn how to develop your strategic plan based on findings from your team’s assessment, analysis and redesign exercises.

Submodule 3.2: Developing an action plan: A strategic plan and action plan complement one another. This submodule will teach you how to help your national CRVS team and develop a detailed action plan that supports your strategic plan.

Submodule 3.3: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plan: This submodule will teach you how to support your national CRVS team as they implement, monitor and evaluate their strategic and action plans.